No, not for the blog – at this stage in a young blog’s life, regular readers are as rare as unicorns (maybe I can catch some with a virgin).
Nope. It’s for the medieval farming calendar I first wrote back in the last century.
It got cited in a paper presented to the 2009 annual conference of the Economic History Society (you’ll find me in the footnotes on page 12).
Needless to say, I’m chuffed. It isn’t often an amateur gets an academic citation, and even if this one isn’t in the Journal of Economic History, I’m plenty happy about it.
Not bad for an article that began as a simple game aid (I have mentioned that I tend to over-research for games, haven’t I?)
Hello, I believe I also found your work on the medieval farming calender extremely useful for writing a fantasy book. I was wondering if it would be alright to make use of the text with edits in a fictionalized form as representative of a book read by one of the in world characters from a comparable history.
I found it at this site.